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Providing Compassionate Dental Care for Families in Charles Town


Invisalign Emergency Services Schedule an Appointment

Invisalign for as Low as $3,579

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Get in Touch Today!

115 S Charles St.
Charles Town, WV 25414


Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

115 S Charles St, Charles Town, WV 25414, USA

Personalized Dental Services for the Entire Family

Charles Town Smiles understands the importance of a beautiful and healthy smile. Our dentists work hard to help provide each patient with a comfortable experience. Our team strives to offer all the dental care our patients need to achieve optimal oral health, whether oral exams or comprehensive cosmetic dentistry. Our patients trust us not only because we are experienced and knowledgeable dental professionals but because we approach each patient individually and create personalized treatment plans. That’s the Charles Town Smiles difference.

General Dentistry
Periodontal Treatment
Cosmetic Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry
Sleep Apnea
Dental Filings in Charles Town

We Provide Well-Rounded Services to All Our Patients

Our team has the expertise required to provide excellent dental care to our patients. Rest assured that you and your family will experience top-tier care in our modern facility. Most importantly, we value the individuality of patients. After all, oral health is never the same for two people. We carefully devise treatment plans that address our patients’ concerns, dental issues, and goals.

Customer Reviews

Over 30 Years Building Relationships With Patients

We specialize in securing the best possible outcomes for our patients, and we want you to enjoy superior oral health. A dazzling smile is within your reach. Whether you need us for basic oral health or restorative dentistry, you can count on our team’s undeniable professionalism. More importantly, with over 30 years of experience in Charles Town we know how to build relationships with our patients. It’s one of the many reasons why we are so popular with the entire family. For better oral health, place your trust in Charles Town Smiles.